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加深你对社会的理解, political 和 business world — alongside any major — with a minor in economics at Mount Mercy大学. The economics minor teaches important business skills without feeling like an ordinary business program. 课程 focus on explaining why 和 how people are motivated to work together.

A minor in economics is ideal for enhancing other majors. 在仁慈山, business students often combine economics with a management, 财务或人力资源管理专业, 寻找事业上的成功, 银行, 公共服务和其他许多方面.


Designed to support the individual interests 和 career goals.

的基本, flexible skill set students gain from earning an economics minor at Mount Mercy is applicable to nearly any career. Students seeking a minor in economics can choose traditional on-campus, 学期的课程, or select online accelerated courses offered in nine, 全年5周的街区.



EC 251宏观经济学原理3
EC 252微观经济原则3
EC 366货币与银行业 23
EC 376国际经济 13
BA 270业务统计3
从下列选项中选择两个: 6
BA 344
投资 1
BK 321
市场研究 1
BN 364
生产 & 运营管理
BN 360
业务 & 社会 1
BN 382
PO 111
PO 112
PO 312
PO 326
PO 353
Politics 和 Economic Policy in the United States

Cannot double count these courses for the management, 市场营销, or business majors or the finance major or minor.


Cannot double count for management or business majors but does double count for the finance major or minor.


EC 230 Humanistic 经济学: 3 semester hours

Initially this course will focus on an elaboration of humanistic economic principles by describing an economy based on needs, material 和 otherwise how humanistic ideas differ from the orthodox: an economy based on wants. The remainder of the course will then explore some current attempts at outlining economic systems that are neither exclusively free market or centrally planned; these will be presented 和 evaluated in terms of humanistic principles.

EC 251 宏观经济学原理: 3 semester hours

An introduction to the study of economics along with some facts about the U.S. economic system; theoretical analysis of the determination of total output employment 和 price levels; use of monetary 和 fiscal policy weapons to influence economic activity, money 和 the 银行 system; economic growth 和 development; 和 international finance. 先决条件: sophomore st和ing or First Year Honor Student.

EC 252 微观经济原则: 3 semester hours

An analysis of the market system as it determines prices, output 和 employment of the individual products 和 resources, 应用程序 of market theory to some current domestic economic issues 和 international trade. 虽然不是绝对的先决条件, EC 251 通常是在 EC 252. 先决条件: sophomore st和ing or First Year Honor Student.

EC 366货币与银行:3个学时

金钱学对金钱本质的研究, role of banks 和 the central bank in the economy, 中央银行对货币供应的控制, 货币对经济的影响, 货币主义者对. Keynesian views on monetary 和 fiscal policies, 和 the role of money in international finance. This course will emphasize financial markets 和 monetary policy, not bank operation 和 management. 先决条件: EC 251EC 252.

EC 376 国际经济: 3 semester hours

The course offers an introduction to the theory 和 practice of international trade 和 finance. It will evaluate the principle of comparative advantage of nations. Students will learn about International Trade Barriers, Trade Zones (such as NAFTA 和 the EU). Trade Agreements, The Balance of Payment 和 The Balance of Trade. 本课程将讨论美国.S. trade policy in light of the Free Trade VS Protectionism argument. The role of international trade institutions such as the IMF, WTO 和 foreign exchange markets will be evaluated. The course will discuss globalization 和 its impacts on Labor markets, 收入分配, 环境, 和消费者, 在美国.S. 和国外. 先决条件: EC 251.

EC 445独立学习:3个学时

The student will select a topic of interest for in-depth, individual study or research under the instructor's supervision. 先决条件: EC 251EC 252, junior st和ing 和 consent of the instructor.


Every class is connected to real life examples that allow for a more in-depth experience in the classroom.


Mount Mercy提供优惠 学费 和慷慨 奖学金.

We also encourage all students to apply for federal, state, 和 other kinds of 金融援助.


We make it easy by accepting 应用程序s year-round! 没有截止日期,没有费用,没有压力.

  1. 创建您的 应用程序
  2. 应用 under st和ard admissions criteria or go "test optional"
  3. Request official transcripts from all institutions previously attended. 邮件:

* Mount Mercy大学招生

* If you are applying for an accelerated program, please mail to "Accelerated Programs"

For more detailed instructions on how to apply, see our 招生页面.



Many Mount Mercy students add value to their education by taking economics courses alongside our other programs. 经济学课程教授这些概念, theory 和 practices that form the financial market’s foundation.

Common career choices for those studying economics include:

  • 业务分析
  • 经济学
  • 运营管理