Dana Schultz '18, '19 MBA Headshot

Dana Schultz '18, '19 MBA

Human Resources

Balancing Act

Dana Schultz ’18, 2019年MBA毕业于MMU,获得人力资源管理学士学位,并于2019年再次获得工商管理硕士学位, despite juggling many roles including student, veteran, and mom.

MMU: How did you decide on MMU for your undergrad?

DS: I started my education in Iowa at Kirkwood Community College, 当我去制定我的时间表,让我的导师知道我的目标是什么, she told me that MMU had the best human resources program. 她谈论这个项目的方式让我改变了去爱荷华大学的想法,也改变了通勤的想法. I’m really glad I listened to her!

MMU:你在本科时读过博彩平台,为什么这个决定对你来说是正确的? 你是怎么知道你想继续学习并在MMU获得MBA学位的?

DS: 我真的很想充分利用911后的《博彩平台》和MMU的课程. 在进入海军之前,我上过大学,但成绩不太好. I didn’t know what I wanted to do yet and couldn’t commit. It has always been a goal of mine to get my bachelor’s, and, given the tools the Navy taught me, I knew I was on the right path this time.

It has always been a goal of mine to get my bachelor’s, and, given the tools the Navy taught me, I knew I was on the right path this time.

Dana Schultz '18, '19 MBA


泰勒·波尔德瓦特(研究生招聘和招生主任)和玛西·范·诺特(MBA主任)给了我很大的帮助,让我得到了我想去的地方所需要的工具. 他们帮助我进入了合适的博彩平台,并制定了一个与我想做的相匹配的时间表.

When I started juggling a full-time job, full-time school, and being a mom for the first time, 我开始真正感到自己有能力去做任何我能继续学习的事情. Mount Mercy的MBA项目让我继续学习我喜欢的话题,并将我与一些非常棒的人联系在一起.



DS: 我整个周末都把自己锁在一个满是书的房间里写作业. 这很困难,有时我感到不知所措,但我的最终目标让我继续前进. 在那些深夜和周末,我19个月大的儿子海登(Hayden)就在我身边. 当我试图决定如何计算损益表时,他会依偎在我身边, cash flows, and ratios!

schultz-and-family.jpg我的丈夫克里斯为了让事情变得简单,他让海登开心,这样我就可以完成我的工作, but more importantly he kept reminding me that I could do this. One of my managers, also an MMU grad, 总是花时间回答我的问题,帮我理清头绪, or ask me a million questions to get my mind going. 我开始在ESP国际担任行政助理,在学校学习人力资源的同时也在工作中学习人力资源. 我认为这可能是发生在我身上的最有益的事情, I was given the opportunity to apply that knowledge.


DS: The Navy really changed my life and gave me direction and purpose. I found a lot of self-worth through that experience. 我学到的工具和经历让我有能力处理任何事情. For six years, I had to show up and be present, 这真的帮助我建立了优先事项和坚实的职业道德吗.

Mount Mercy的加速格式让我能够灵活地兼顾一切, 但我认为最大的帮助是课程的布局和老师. 我很高兴能来上课,向这个领域的人学习,课程的内容让我们很投入.


Dana Schultz '18, '19 MBA


DS: I took conflict resolution last semester, and I really enjoyed that class, 但这门课最突出的一点是我们必须扮演一个冲突的角色. I ended up with a group of ladies that were an absolute blast! 我们有上课时间来做这个项目,大部分时间意味着要抓取每个人的电子邮件,然后用电子方式完成工作, but not in our case. We decided to sit together and work our conflict out. We sat there for three hours laughing and plotting our conflict. 这很棒,因为我们可以互相学习,我们可以玩得很开心! 我认为这样的经历和关系的建立可以使经历变得更好.


MMU: Tell us about your career at ESP International.

DS: 我开始在ESP国际做行政助理,同时在MMU读本科. Shortly after I graduated with my bachelor’s in August of 2018, 我被提升为ESP和我们在达文波特新收购的公司的人力资源管理员, Superior Tube Products. 我更多地参与了人力资源部门的工作,并在日常工作中运用了我在MMU学到的东西. I started the MBA program last August right after my undergrad, 今年1月,我搬到了达文波特,担任人力资源总监.


我认为MBA课程绝对为我承担新的角色做好了准备. I learned both the HR aspect and business aspect. 我可以把生产函数应用到工作中的一些决策中. As much as I dislike financial statements, 我可以阅读它们并提出问题来帮助我理解这些数字. 我觉得MBA课程帮助我把那些原本要花更长的时间才能弄清楚的事情联系起来.


DS: Do it! 没有理由不去利用对你未来有益的东西.


Dana Schultz '18, '19 MBA

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