业务 & 领导

在协作的环境中茁壮成长. 培养雇主需要的技能. 改变世界做生意的方式.


我们的当代商业和领导力课程关注的是新事物, 下一个, 也是成功的必要条件.

我们的 graduate and accelerated business programs are tailored to the unique needs of adult students and working professionals. We understand that you have commitments outside the classroom—which is why we offer our programs on-campus and 在线 (live and 按需) in 5- and 10-week evening classes. Pursue your goals, with the flexibility to balance work, life, and school.


我们的业务 & 领导项目 are offered in multiple formats with flexible start dates and 5- and 10-week evening courses

5- & 10周的课程

校园 & 在线

(生活 & 按需)


我拿了商学院的学位可以做什么 & 领导项目?

Develop the skills you need to advance your career and expand your influence.

从相关和适用的课程到实习和 与地区雇主的伙伴关系,我们的方法可以帮助你找到你的利基,建立你的梦想职业. 雇主正在注意我们的业务 & 地区雇主对领导力专业毕业生的需求很大.

The entire staff at Mount Mercy worked to ensure I could pursue both my career and education goals without missing a beat. The flexibility of the program even allowed me to continue coaching my son’s traveling baseball team.

Larry Covington, 19年工商管理硕士
Pr. 柯林斯宇航公司项目经理


This certificate provides the most current health care expertise in vital areas such as regulatory standards, 人口健康措施, 以及健康保险申请.


无论你是在专业领域还是领导一个团队, 认识到人力资源的结构将使绩效最大化.


This unique skill set will enable you to enter the role of executive coach. 你会在沟通策略上变得流畅, 在虚拟环境中领导, 管理冲突, 作为变革的推动者.



This certificate emphasizes leveraging the effects of operations within the supply chain to achieve business performance and objectives.

我们的 速成本科课程形式 提供5- 10周的在线课程 -非常适合那些想要灵活学习的学生.

和 通过我们的在线(点播)课程, you're able to learn from anywhere and complete coursework each week at a time/place that works best for you. The following undergraduate business programs are offered in this format:


旨在加快你的学术生涯, our applied management major welcomes students transferring from a two-year institution with a background in technical specialty, as well as working professionals with previous technical training or work experience.


学习组织的方方面面, 领先的, 通过Mount Mercy的商业核心在商业上取得成功. You will connect your real life experience with deeper understanding of the functions of business principles and theories. 


人员是任何企业的支柱. As a human resource management student you will learn the skills to effectively manage their success to support business strategies.


The management major prepares students to lead in a competitive and dynamic business environment, developing the skills necessary for effective and efficient 领导 in profit and nonprofit organizations.


市场营销是销售、战略和沟通的集合. Y你会磨练你的沟通技巧, 领导, 解决问题, 建立关系, and critical thinking through experience and build your confidence at the same time.

我们的 传统的本科学位 以学期为单位提供课程. 这是一个很好的住宅选择, 校园经历, 或者如果你白天通勤去上课很舒服的话.

The following undergraduate business programs are offered in this format:


我们的 accounting program serves as the foundation for success in high-demand careers with formats designed for traditional students and working professionals.


Use mathematical and statistical methods to assess and price risk in areas like insurance and investments, gaining skills needed to pass the 保险精算学 Probability and 保险精算学 Financial Mathematics exams.


旨在加快你的学术生涯, our applied management major welcomes students transferring from a two-year institution with a background in technical specialty, as well as working professionals with previous technical training or work experience.


学习组织的方方面面, 领先的, 通过Mount Mercy的商业核心在商业上取得成功. You will connect your real life experience with deeper understanding of the functions of business principles and theories.


在我们的数据科学项目中, you'll develop the mathematical foundations needed to understand algorithms and techniques in the field, 以有意义的方式使用它们的计算技能, and the communication skills needed to share your insights with stakeholders.


弥合目前的做法, 投资理论, 以及道德和职业标准, we provide 金融 students a well-rounded business education plan and a foundation for success in high-demand careers.


人员是任何企业的支柱. As a human resource management student you will learn the skills to effectively manage their success to support business strategies.


The management major prepares students to lead in a competitive and dynamic business environment, developing the skills necessary for effective and efficient 领导 in profit and nonprofit organizations.



市场营销是销售、战略和沟通的集合. Y你会磨练你的沟通技巧, 领导, 解决问题, 建立关系, and critical thinking through experience and build your confidence at the same time.


Develop competence through understanding key concepts and strategic planning in public relations, 掌握传统公共关系策略中的技巧, and learning the principles and guidelines of the 公共关系 Society of America (PRSA).


我们的 hybrid science 市场ing program blends science skills with 市场ing prowess, 帮助你分析新的发现, 用文字表达新鲜的想法, and refine your abilities to share science's evolving narrative with the world.


我们的 sports management track goes beyond basic classroom learning—it unites real-world experience with a strong curriculum. 专为热爱运动的人设计, 这条赛道将为你管理做好准备, 市场, 金融, 并为当地做计划, 区域, 国家队或体育组织.


作为我们工商管理硕士和MSL课程的一部分, you’ll gain valuable training on presentation skills and professional image from Dardis Communications to empower you in your career. 在竞争日益激烈的市场中, 展示的能力, 清晰表达你的愿景, and 打造个人品牌 could be the keys in setting you apart from the rest.


  1. 收到一个 九折学费优惠 如果你在我们的企业教育合作伙伴工作
  2. 向你的雇主询问学费报销
  3. 现在学习,以后付钱. We can delay payment up to 45 days after your course ends so you can 提交 your invoice, 获得学费报销, 避免自己买单
  4. 得到一个 $600推荐奖学金 通过介绍朋友和同事
  5. 探索其他选项通过我们的 财政援助办事处


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