Policies & Reporting

公共安全部每周7天,每天24小时都在运作. In addition to full-time Security Officers, 该部门利用勤工俭学的学生协助停车执法和在校园的特殊活动. 慈悲山设有管理员当值电话系统,以确保行政支援和决策能力随时可用. All Public Safety Officers are trained in CPR/1st Aid/AED, emergency response, evacuation procedures, and interpersonal skills.

Weather Closings and Cancellations

关闭大学的决定将根据天气的严重程度作出, area road conditions, and campus conditions. 学校不希望学生或工作人员将自己置于不适当的风险之中. Please travel with caution on roadways.

  • When the campus is closed, 课程取消或远程上课,只有必要的人员才能上班.
  • If classes are not cancelled, 个别教员必须在正常工作时间通知教务长,要求因恶劣天气而取消课程. 
  • 由于恶劣天气而无法上班的教职员工有责任联系适当的同事和学生.
  • 因恶劣天气不能上班的员工,必须与主管协商.

Closed for the day

Delayed start
如果恶劣的天气和道路状况在白天出现好转, a delayed start may be announced. Morning classes may be remote, 或者当天的第一节课将紧接延迟的开始时间. 在宣布的开课时间之前或中间的课程将不举行. Check Brightspace for specific class information. 

Close midday
如果白天天气情况恶化,可能会决定中午关闭. 如果校园中午关闭,同样的通知程序适用. In addition, 总统的内阁成员有责任及时将信息传达给各自的部门.

Evening class
If weather conditions deteriorate late afternoon, posing a risk to faculty and students, 学校将在下午3点前作出停课决定. 即使学校还在上课,个别教员也可以要求取消晚上的课程, 下午3点之前联系教务长办公室或成人研究生办公室(以适用于班级的为准). 教师应通知学生并安排补课. 如果夜校开始后天气变坏, individual faculty should dismiss class early. 

Watch for Announcements

校长或教务长办公室将立即通知公共安全和营销部门 & Communications of a weather-related closing or delay. 公共安全部门将启动天气通知系统,市场部将启动天气通知系统 & 通信公司将与下面列出的资源共享该公告.

Students, faculty, 如遇天气延误或取消,工作人员应参考以下资料:

  • Mount Mercy homepage, which will display the weather alert
  • Mount Mercy学生,教师和工作人员的电子邮件帐户(通过Rave Alert发送)
  • Brightspace
  • Switchboard: dial “0” if on campus; dial 319-363-8213 or 319-363-1323 if off campus 







WMT 600 AM
KMRY 1450 AM
KGYM 1600 AM


KCCK 88.3 FM
KMRY 93.1 FM
KRNA 94.1 FM
KHAK 98.1 FM
KNWS 101.9 FM
KZIA 102.9 FM
KDAT 104.5 FM
KRQN 107.1 FM

Safety Tips

  1. Report all suspicious persons.
  2. Report all thefts. 
  3. Be attuned to your surroundings.
  4. Walk or travel in well-lit, well-traveled areas. 如果你觉得有人在跟踪你,就突然改变方向或过马路. 如果你仍然被跟踪,去公共场所寻求帮助. 
  5. Keep your purse, backpack, briefcase, cell phone, 随身携带电脑和其他贵重物品. Don't take a break and leave them behind.
  6. If you receive a harassing phone call, hang up immediately. 不要试图找出打电话的人是谁,也不要表现出任何反应. 
  7. Know your neighbors and make sure they know you. Ensure a roommate or friend knows your routines. 告诉别人你是否会迟到或出城. 
  8. Notify Campus Security of any broken lights, overgrown shrubbery near walkways, telephones that don't work and doors with broken locks.
  9. 在你的书、笔记本和个人物品上贴上你的名字. 
  10. Never open doors of campus buildings to strangers. 
  11. Mount Mercy students, 教职员工应随身携带学生证,并在校园保安要求时出示学生证.

  1. Lock all doors, even if you are leaving for a short time.
  2. Make certain to lock your door before you go to sleep. 
  3. Never prop open any locking residence hall doors.
  4. Avoid leaving notes on your door saying that you are out.
  5. 不要把你的钥匙借给别人,或者把你的钥匙放在无人看管的地方.
  6. Do not put your name and/or room number on your key ring.
  7. 宿舍入口处有电话,可以在紧急情况下使用. 在慈悲山的所有停车场都有一个蓝光紧急电话. 

  1. 当你离开无人值守的办公室或实验室时,一定要锁好门. 
  2. 不要让门开着,也不要把钥匙放在没有上锁的橱柜或抽屉里. 
  3. 把多余的钥匙粘在抽屉下面或文件柜里是不可取的. 
  4. When leaving your office or lab for the day, make sure that all windows are closed and locked, 所有的贵重物品和机密材料都锁好了,所有的桌子都锁好了, files and doors are locked.

  1. Have your key ready when you approach your vehicle. 
  2. 上车前检查一下,确保没有人藏在车下面或车里.
  3. When you park, choose a well-lit, designated parking area. 
  4. 如果你把贵重物品放在车里,把它们放在后备箱里,让别人看不到.
  5. Always lock your vehicle.
  6. 所有慈悲山停车场都有一个蓝光紧急电话,用于紧急情况.

Anyone can be the victim of sexual assault or rape, regardless of age, sex, race, status or type of dress. Please keep these tips in mind:

  1. Be alert and aware when dating. 
  2. Trust your instincts or "gut feelings." 
  3. Be careful when you invite someone into your residence.

The United States Department of Homeland Security defines an active shooter as "an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, 活跃的枪手使用火器,他们选择受害者没有模式或方法."

  1. Run
    1. 了解你周围的环境——心中有逃生路线和计划
    2. Run immediately - leave your belongings behind
  2. Hide
    1. 如果你无法逃脱,就躲在攻击者看不到的地方
    2. Lock the door or block the entry to your hiding place
  3. Fight
    1. 战斗是最后的手段,只有当你的生命处于迫在眉睫的危险时
    2. Use items around you as weapons to fight
    3. Attempt to incapacitate the assailant

University Policies

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